Dear President Obama,
It is time for you to go postal and be the angry, uppity black man owning and embracing those GOP projections, fears and descriptions. And, I am going to help you.
This letter is also written with my Republican/TeaParty friends in mind. If you are willing to take an open-minded look outside your current belief system, while considering that your reality has been intentionally created with much of it fictional. It is like the Matrix of fictional, alternative, intentionally designed to keep you inside and engaged, unaware of actual reality outside.
I ask that you simply consider that another reality may exist outside the artificially created right wing Matrix. And, imagine that I am Morpheus. I am here to pull you out and save you from the black suited, evil men with too many guns...not even giving us background checks for God's new law in Georgia guns everywhere is now OKAY, churches, bars, airports, schools...surely nothing can go wrong with that seriously misguided and outrageous enacted law.
I realize that you guys are all about 2nd amendment rights but I also now you have been programmed by right wing media, NRA, and politicians trying to scare you and gain your support. They want you to despise, fear and want to eliminate from existence or, at least, the White House, Barack Obama. Hence, he is coming to take your guns away.
You realize that he is constitutional lawyer. Do you really think he would violate an amendment of his the constitution that he obviously elevated to significant importance, made a career of that specialty of the law and taught constitutional law? Seriously, think about it.
That was disinformation designed to scare you and make you distrust and/or hate Obama for doing something that he had not mentioned/done, or planned on doing. It's not like he doesn't have much is plate. Or, is masochist to the nth degree ready to take on a well armed militia of NRA incited, 2nd amendment rights, diehards. Truly, consider that..just for a moment or two.
Democrats fear that this law will be like Stand your Ground law which began in Florida and quickly spread to other red states that this travesty putting even more guns on the streets in the hands of God knows who (without background checks)
f corporate America actively ripping you and the nation off while your Matrix misadventure engages you as a distraction.
circuitry entangling you and endangering all of us. Consider that outside the Matrix of right wing creation it is a real, ACTUALLY true, not artificially created to inform your beliefs and actions like voting against Obama in midterm elections by voting all the Tea Party candidates into office.
and seen through a lens without the hatred, distrust, animosity and such towards the President and his family as well as his administration. I know that all things Obama are painted with a solid bad, black color for the Republican base.
The Matrix was created to distract and misinform the Republican base. You have been programmed by master propagandists into hating all things Obama(s). It is astonishing that Michelle takes so much abuse. How can you not see the beauty of First Lady Michelle Obama? She is a class act all the way. She works and wants to help kids eat right and reduce the epidemic levels of childhood obesity. Just as Laura Bush's emphasis on literacy or Nancy Reagan's No to Drug's advocacy. Michelle's chosen means of contributing addresses another REAL social/health problem, childhood obesity. She is great promoter of exercise in fun and engaging ways with the kids. just as the Republican, first lady predecessors did, Her style and fashion is comparable to Jackie O. She had a successful career of her own and graduate of an Ivy League university. What is there not to like? You don't have to eat vegetables if you don't want. No one is forcing you or your children. But, if you want to be healthy and avoid illness, eating right is GOOD THING. It astonishes me how, especially Michelle Obama has taken so much abuse at the hands/mouth of Rush Limbaugh and others and then their impressions transferred to the base and repetitively parroted across media sources, social media sites in conversation, etc.
Do any of you think for yourselves and form alternative views to those Rush, Glen, Hannity or other Fox News anchors spoon feed you to believe as absolute truth?
distracting with disinformation, distortion, exaggeration and outright, bold faced lies, propaganda distortions, exaggerations or hyperbole, or simply put...making molehills into Mt. Everest. For example, 24/7 Benghazi, Benghazi on Fox News that even Donald Trump admitted recently on Fox, Benghazi didn't get traction with the base and candidates running for office in midterms 2014 should stick with Obamacare repeal, oppose, etc.
, right wing media, Matrix with flashing circuitry of falsified reality to delude and distract you. Why would big corporate donors spreading $22 million
You have to sit the nation down, in front of fire and expose the truth. The Republican/Tea Party base has been so successfully duped mind, body and soul. They have been intentional stoked into spiking flames of foaming, frothy, rabid haters. Their animosity towards towards you and your administration has been fueled by phony scandals that never got traction for them despite 24/7 Fox News on Benghazi and endless, exhaustive, expensive hearings. And, nothing absolutely no evidence of malefe there was no smoking gun in any of the scandal mongering issues they attempted to smear you, Attorney General Holder and Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton without any hard evidence of wrong doing emerging in 1 1/2 years of Darrell Issa's witchhunts in which is sole motivation was to make you and look as bad to a national television audience of the base, flagrant and obnoxious, bullying and disrespected (Elijah Cummings was the worst when Issa just cut off his mike, got up and left leaving Oversight Committee, Elijah again bullied and disrespected) guarantee that the "whistleblower" that will bring you and Hillary down is this witness. Hello, do you realize that Chris Christie's Bridgegate incident brought two of his underlings into court begging for immunity for their testimony.
For my Republican/Tea Party friends, do you know how long before someone spoke out about what they knew was wrong and handled inappropriately, unfairly, with negligence, revenge motivates, denial of Sandy relief funds to one mayor who refused to support Christie. Incited to feel their racism, anger, hatred and intolerance of a man that some still believe Kenyan, Muslim and not just unworthy of the presidency but actually an illegitimate, unrecognized Commander and Chief.
vestigial racism stoke and re-inflamed into into believing outrageous conspiracy theories, horror stories about you and your administration with that other uppity black dude, Eric Holder. s your mother wasn't really your mother and Kenya, DNA didn't match, yada yada, you know the drill). misinformed via the perhaps the most sophisticated, well-funded, well-oiled, impressively thorough blanketing across venue.
$22 million spread around right wing media, virtually pumping out papers from think tanks to bloggers to right wing media sources to politicians who then use the propaganda to justify why they are obstructing every single bill the democrats or you have introduced. The American Jobs and Infrastructure Act, for example. The nation should know that Speaker Boehner surely under orders of Koch cabal et al had the bill since 2012. He refused to even bring the Jobs & Infrastructure Act to the House floor discussion, tweaking, adding or changing and then enacting a bipartisan created law. Since you introduced that bill, obviously you would sign it to put the nation's populace of job hungry Americans back to work.
Yet, Speaker Boehner recently said the House would only consider long term unemployed extensions if the White House had a plan for jobs. How absurd and outrageously hypocritical, deceptive and basically a way to appease the now 2.5 million American people unable to find work in 26 weeks in a job market with only one job to every three people. This subgroup of the population, long term unemployed are yet, one more of the expendables. They join veterans another subgroup the GOP congresspeople wrote off when they cut vets benefits including SNAP cuts which many vets used.
Since benefits were cut in January 2014, 1900 veterans gave up and committed suicide. Can you blame them? They gave lives and limbs, have traumatic brain injuries, PTSD, depression. Many will never be the same with lifetime disabling, conditions that have virtually ruined many lives, broken up relationships when they can't be the the attentive father, she hoped he be with low functioning eliminating the vet as marriage material (one sad story I read). existences for life, tdescending from government service while bravely defending Bush's war for oil, losing lives and limbs, returning with traumatic brain injuries, PTSD with many disabled in low functioning existences for life, to another write off, expendable group that the GOP corporate owners don't want to have to pay any more taxes.
to keep the lights on or the rent paid and falling into a rapidly eroding, safety net with Paul Ryan's draconian SNAP cuts during a period of great food insecurity for 50 million children RIGHT HERE...not Somalia but the US of A, folks. (source
obviously a much needed direction for our representations elected to serve constituents with many unemployed and DESPERATE for jobs.
The truth of congressional puppet, politicians owned mostly by Will to Power, Hitler would have been awestruck over with "to our last breath we will fight" for a platform that dismantles government replacing it with privatized, profitable government functions while eliminating the unprofitable like welfare or SNAP (except to JP Morgan) and the inconvenient like EPA with those intrusive standards on polluting the environment or expose truth as Dylan Ratigan so ably ranted on msnbc before he resigned or was asked to because of the rant, much it against you. ” with scant details of how deeply entrenched
the Koch brothers especially, have positioned themselves and usurped our political process, country’s democracy and subverted into a vision of hell for so many and it WILL
get worse if you don’t act as HE appears to be dictating to you now. on behalf
of individuals, our nation and our PLANET (on life support and in need of
accepting the responsibility that comes with the biblical gift of “dominion
over” which does not mean to exploit to the fullest while self-extinguishing.
The US is suffering at the hands of political power and
influence usurped, a congress and Red state governors and lawmakers GROUPTHINK
relinquishing all individual, critical thinking surrendering to Koch
brothers their mind, body and souls,
dismantling government one step at a time, a infrastructure in DIRE condition
to the point that there are 200 million trips daily taken over structurally
deficient bridges. to go postal on the
Right Wing conspiracy, exposing them for the monsters of the most malevolent
kind (i.e. David and Charles Koch the worst offenders a psychopathological duo
with profit primary motivations and Nietzche’s Will to Power as misunderstood
by Hitler) deeming one after another subgroup of the US population exterminating
rapidly as expendables.
Those unable to find work beyond 27 weeks the latest
subgroup of EXPENDABLES and veterans so deprived, denied, backlogged disability
for 2 years with recent cuts to their benefits leading to nearly 2000 yes TWO
THOUSAND suicides just since JANUARY 2014!!!! One vet an hour is committing
suicide is the latest estimate.
After going postal and letting
the nation know with SERIOUS tone with REAL threat to our nation (quickly
degenerating to third world conditions) a WPA is ESSENTIAL to save us and the
planet. ~God via goddess che (MOI)
As Pope Francis wisely admonished, golden calf
worship (almighty holy or unholy dollar) is atrocious in God’s eyes be it
melted gold idol or Koch brother’s money and far too many people now, in the US
especially, have been in violation of this unholy worship of idolatry. Whether
worshiping their wealth, making profits a PRIMARY/singular motive over and
above God or so driven to achieve power, glory and political influence without
any consideration or compassion towards “common good” and “social welfare” as
outlined in the founding documents of this ONCE great nation. The “least of us”
were especially important to God according to the Bible and our attention to
their needs illustrated in parables like the Good Samaritan or breaking loaves
to feed the multitude or healing the sick as Jesus showed in the New Testament,
the behaviors metaphorically demonstrating how we are to act in accordance with
HIS will and model in our own lives and actions.
There is also many who place
wealthy individuals in the highest positions over and above an Almighty GOD. Wealthy
individuals flaunting the idolatry like Donald Trump who always retweets the
multitude of praiseful worshipping he receives on Twitter. Frankly, to me and
presumably HIM it is nothing short of nauseating.
In Egypt, a disgusted God was ready to go postal on
the recalcitrant people, who refused to see the light. Moses was able talk God
down to save the children of Israel take some of them out of desert and to the
Promised Land. God shows some forgiveness to those who atoned and they were led
out of the desert. However, for those most guilty of disobedience and sin, were
not spared and HE punished through four generations.
G-D Forgives the People
Holding the newly made tablets in his
hands, Moses stood on Mount Sinai and
G-d taught him how the children of
Israel could make atonement for their sins through real repentance and prayer.
G-d proclaimed the "thirteen attributes" which the children of Israel
were to recite on their days of repentance (Exodus 34:6-7):
"L-rd, L-rd, benevolent G-d, slow to anger and abundant in loving kindness
and truth, preserving loving kindness for thousands, forgiving iniquity and
rebellion and sin; yet He does not completely clear [of sin] He visits the
iniquity of parents on children and children's children, to the third and
fourth generations."
Moses bowed down before G-d and said:
"If I have now found favor in Your eyes, O Lord, let the Lord go now in
our midst [even] if they are a stiff necked people, and You shall forgive our
iniquity and our sin and thus secure us as Your possession"
In reply, G-d told Moses: "Behold,
I will form a covenant; in the presence of all your people, I will make
distinctions such as have not been created upon all the earth and among all the
nations, and all the people in whose midst you are shall see the work of the
Lord how awe inspiring it is that which I will perform with you."
It was the tenth day of the month of Tishrei -- Yom Kippur --
when Moses returned to the camp of Israel, with the new Tables of Testimony in
his hands. Moses' face shone with a Divine light that frightened Aaron and the
children of Israel. They drew back in awe when Moses approached them. On
learning of this, Moses covered his face with a veil. Without delay, he
proceeded to teach the children of Israel the entire contents of the Torah which G-d had given him on Mount
Many now, I know on G-d authority, have
already gone too far, were given chances to atone and rejected them. One of the
most focal points the Supreme Court, Antonin Scalia who identified and spoke of
the problem as a donor class lacking Christian virtues that he also said he did
not know what to do about it.
Scalia was given an opportunity to
atone through my channeled tweet to step down and let you appoint a new liberal
justice that could overturn Citizen’s United. Instead, we got McCutcheon. He chose to be deliberately, knowing full on
that the success of capitalism was at stake and proceeded to be intentional
disobedient and his eternity looks nothing like even a Faustian hell, it is
worse. He joins the already doomed, unethical liar, cheat and thief, Justice
Thomas whose Anita Hill smearing and discrediting combined with being devoid of
judicial ethical behavior had already determined his fate apparently as this
document in large part is just coming right through me channeled direct to you
Mr. President.
I could not agree more with Pope
Francis and I too was vested with, channeled thoughts from another sphere, so
to speak, of the parallels even before I heard the Pope or @Pontifex draw the
analogy. I had been writing about this very thing on social media drawing
parallels to the conditions prior to Moses delivering the Ten Commandments,
specifically citing the golden calf analogy. I have come to believe that I am a
Technoprophet sent by God the Jews, Yaweh, to help Pope Francis and the
intelligent and compassionate liberals among us to save ourselves, our planet,
ours and other species from self-extinguishment which at this point may very
well happen IF we do not make radical changes quickly and atone.
In Dylan Ratigan’s 2011 rant on
MSNBC he made some brilliant points albeit a cause of party ways with the
network some say, I would like offer my ideas about what the “speech to the
nation about our congress being bought and for (now mostly by the power hungry
extremists who exhibit Nietzchean/Hitler misinterpreted “will to power”
psychopathology, David and Charles Koch) followed by implementing a infrastructure
job creating, low interest loans to small business, etc.
These men are and have been
USURPING political power and destroying our nation while dismantling
government. They MUST be exposed to the masses. They are actively and
intentionally destroying our democracy. This
is what their 2012 campaign spending alone, not including financing think tanks
with near exclusive control of the fictionalized reality, orders to congress on
how to vote, OR ELSE (bad grades and primaries assured by more compliant Tea
Party candidates) that their sold out pseudo academics with fake scientists explicitly ignoring reality
and creating a Matrix of deception a web lies so heinous that their fates too,
like Scalia and Thomas, are far from a glorious afterlife. I have that on G-d
authority. As I and HE are certain that they won’t atone or alter Will to
Power, David and Charles if you read this just know you better get as much
satisfaction from this lifetime as possible, because you have been dumped into
the WASTED SOULS category. This is your last lifetime and Faustian hell is an
amusement park compared to yours.
Although, surely there are
others, the think tanks known to be under Koch platform control-Libertarian on
STEROIDS as I see it-are Cato Institute, Heritage foundation and Americans for
Prosperity another I’ve seen is the Reason Foundation I believe it is/was
In our country, many are entirely
unaware of who these men are and how badly they are being manipulated via Koch’s
initiation & funding of the tea party with think tank academics SOLD out to
generate fiction (i.e. climate change hoax while 97% of scientists agree it is
manmade or vote nay on unemployment extensions even with offsets). There propaganda
reducing you to an incompetent, socialist destroying the nation making you a
food stamp president never mentioning that the country was on the verge of
financial collapse following Bush/Cheney’s 2 unfunded wars, a senior prescription
plan that cost a fortune that they NOW want to repeal along with the ACA and
the global economy was jeopardy as well or the tax cuts to job creators that
trickled down to the Cayman islands and Swiss banks along with 2.5 million jobs
in just one year alone to low wage India, Mexico and China.
The propaganda is not at all
unlike Hitler’s reducing Jews in German’s eyes and minds to images of subhuman
rats in vile conditions to justify why extermination was acceptable.
The GOP with Koch’s full on
proactive intentional knowhow as John Birch society founder father,
indoctrinated them from birth have created to demonize the poor (lazy, drunk,
lacking character or good role models in their impoverished, food desert,
underfunded or closing public schools, SNAP cuts, without job training programs
or help to get out of poverty communities) with surfer dude on SNAP eating
lobster or welfare queens or the homeless doing so well of John Stossell
dressing like a homeless person and begging for money. That was truly shameful
and spoke with loud vehemence to Jon Stewart as well:
Your depiction by the Right is as
an incompetent socialist, BLACK hence inferior to these John Bircher babies who
were feed racism and commies are everywhere along with their baby formula. In
other words, from birth as their dad Fred founded the eastern John Birch
society. I see them as the KKK with more money and better educations, perhaps.
In their eyes, the African-American community had the majority of communists
that must be eliminated.
If you were a real socialist,
without all the Goldman Sach’s, Monsanto ties the income distribution surely
would not look like this with only a tiny fraction of the top 1% really
or the overall distribution in part, from your policies like giving breaks to
Wall St traders and too big to fail bank CROOKS doing NO TIME despite highly
illegal scamming and destroying the lives of millions with mortgage subpar
loans, derivate junk packages knowingly sold. Much to the disappointment of
many progressives and liberals some of your policies have led to
Hell, POTUS even Bush cracked down on some, even if just for show.
One of the fake scientists employed by Koch’s also was a
fabricator of fiction on the safety of tobacco. Not surprisingly, Koch’s have
MAJOR oil and gas holdings. In fact, their dad Fred made the dynastic family’s
original money from oil introducing a cost effective method Big Oil USA refused
to consider. Fred was accepted by Stalin’s socialist government acknowledging
his effort, inventiveness to lessen cost of energy to the people of his
“And while the tobacco industry is the template for the fossil
fuel industry’s campaign, McKnight says that there is an important distinction:
“There are no ‘smoke-free
areas’ on the planet. Climate denial may turn out to be the world’s most deadly
PR campaign.”
1 billion dead this century from smoking.
And we now know, completely, that the science on tobacco was
always 100% correct. We look back and wonder, how could they have been so
easily fooled?
What will the numbers be due to the denial of climate change?
There’s one study I don’t want to have to read.”
Climate change, extreme weather,
droughts leading to famine and on and on IS our NUMERO UNO global problem right
now with the recently released UN report admonishment that IT MUST addressed
before it is too late and we are beyond the point of no return.
Enough for now know that you are
a FAVORED son and as such, much is expected. GO POSTAL, expose ALL the truth,
then go FDR on the nation.
THAT IS AN order Commander and
Chief of the ONCE great US of A.
Over and Out,
God & goddess che dictating…channeling
much of the above.
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