A call to creatively maladjusted action.

The birth of this blog is timed to align with the observance of the 50th anniversary of the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" August 28, 1963. It was a landmark protest that culminated with “I Have a Dream” the monumental speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. The concept of "Creatively Maladjusted" was another gift from MLK, one often overlooked or not taken seriously. I contend creatively maladjusted response is the only recourse at this juncture. The goal of this blog is to promote awareness and act as a call for Creatively Maladjusted Revolutionary action of non-violent, civil disobedience to overthrow the existing social order and their flight into greater socio-economic, political injustice.

Saturday, February 15, 2014

Outsourcing Report: Republicans Rewarding Corporations that Ship U.S. Jobs Overseas

Outsourcing ABD, tax cuts for the top earners AND protection for dollars offshore via Federal Tax evasion were ALL gifts to the KochUSA cabal  from George W. Bush. They were given simultaneously. Who would've considered as much as $31 trillion job creator dollars would end up in the Cayman islands and Switzerland or 2.5 million jobs would go to India, Mexico and China in ONE YEAR alone.. Truly, it should have been one big DUH, to anyone paying attention!  '

Bush promised biz would expand and offshored dollars would return (GOP lie for eons to con/justify cutting top taxes dates back to the days when my K-12 was well funded, top paid close to 80%, we didn't have 200 million trips daily trips made by parents, kids and grandparents, etc. over structurally deficient bridges and the ruling wealthy elite felt sense of responsibility for great nation maintained/workers that enabled their NOW outrageous good fortune). Little did we realize trickle down would not happen in KochUSA but to Caymans, Swiss, Mexico and China. We were duped. It is time to FIGHT BACK!!! goddess che out xo 

Source link below.

“The Republicans in Washington claimed to draw their ideas from a website called ‘America Speaking Out.' It turns out that one of the ideas that's drawn the most interest on their website is ending tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas. Funny thing is, when we recently closed one of the most egregious loopholes for companies creating jobs overseas, Republicans in Congress were almost unanimously opposed. The Republican leader John Boehner attacked us for it, and stood up for outsourcing, instead of American workers.”
President Obama, 9/25/10
While House Democrats are working on a “Make It In America” manufacturing strategy to spur American job creation and innovation, Republicans have blocked all efforts to clamp down on tax breaks for corporations shipping jobs overseas. 
During the Bush Administration, Republicans fought to keep, and even expand, these kinds of tax loopholes.  The Bush-Republican policies on outsourcing hurt American families and the economy - and left us with the worst American jobs record since the Great Depression.  For example, under the Republican agenda, U.S. multinationals eliminated 1 million American jobs while adding 2.5 million jobs abroad (1999- 2007), and U.S. multinationals more than doubled the income they reinvested overseas (2002-2008).

Republicans Ignore the Demands of the American People

Congressional Republicans admit they want to take us back to the “exact same” failed economic policies of Bush that drove us into the ditch.  In the just-released GOP “Pledge,” Republicans rejected the demands of the American people to include any proposal to stop outsourcing and save American jobs, even though this garnered the 'most interest' on the Republican public outreach effort website.  They also promised to rollback any 'tax increases' presumably including just-passed efforts to eliminate tax breaks for shipping jobs overseas.
The GOP Record on Shipping American Jobs Overseas
  • Over the last four years, Republicans have voted eleven times to protect:
    • Tax breaks for corporations that ship American jobs overseas
    • Off-shore tax havens for corporations and the wealthiest Americans 
    • Tax loopholes for CEOs deferred compensation paid by off-shore companies, foreign tax haven corporations dodging U.S. taxes, and Americans who renounce their citizenship
      These tax breaks cost American taxpayers over $60 billion
  • Under President Bush, Republicans voted 8 times to expand tax breaks for outsourcing and protect offshore tax havens.  The Republicans:
    • Enacted legislation to provide $42 billion in tax breaks for offshore operations of U.S. corporations, encouraging the shipping of U.S. jobs overseas. 
    • Voted to protect tax shelters for corporations relocating overseas to avoid paying taxes. 
    • Voted to protect government contracts for these corporate expatriates. 
    • Voted against help for workers whose jobs were outsourced and against even a study on outsourcing of U.S. jobs. 
  • Who's pushing this wildly unpopular agenda?  The Republican outsourcing agenda is being lavishly promoted by a leading outsourcer's political advertising and organizing.  According to Forbes' magazine, Koch Industries is America's 2nd largest private corporation and the Koch brothers are individually the 4th and 5th richest Americans.  They have spent hundreds of millions of dollars influencing American politics and elections to protect their corporate interests--funding Tea Party activities as well as TV ads.  Subsidiary corporations have been cited as leading outsourcers of American jobs by advocacy groups and the news media.

Costs of Bush-Republican Policies
Republicans have long subscribed to the misguided notion that our national job creation strategy should be as follows:  subsidize foreign investment and foreign jobs of multinational corporations, cross your fingers, and hope that jobs trickle back to the United States. This, along with tax cuts for the wealthiest Americans, left American workers and the economy in tatters.
  • This approach to job creation espoused by President Bush and supported by Rep. Boehner was, in the words of the Wall Street Journal, “The worst track record for job creation since the government began keeping records.”  [1/9/2009]
  • From 1999 to 2007, U.S. multinationals eliminated 1 million jobs at homes while adding 2.5 million jobs abroad. [Martin Sullivan, Tax Notes, February 8, 2010]
  • U.S. multinational companies more than doubled the amount of income that they permanently reinvested overseas between 2002 and 2008.
    • As of 2008, the top 273 U.S. multinational corporations had $1 trillion of earnings permanently reinvested overseas. 
    • In 2002, the top 296 U.S. multinational corporations had $381 billion of earnings permanently reinvested overseas. [Wunder, Tax Notes, October 6, 2009]
  • American multinational corporations and banks use offshore tax havens to avoid $37 billion in federal taxes each year, with 83 of the 100 largest publicly traded U.S. corporations and 63 of the 100 largest federal contractors with at least one subsidiary in a tax haven. [Business and Investors Against Tax Haven Abuse, 7/20/10]
GOP Record: Last Four Years
99% of Republicans Voted To Protect Tax Breaks for Companies Who Ship American Jobs Overseas.  Republicans opposed legislation that closed tax loopholes that encourage companies to move American jobs overseas in order to pay for protecting the jobs of over 300,000 police, firefighters, and teachers. “The provisions in this jobs bill close existing loopholes that, to use Mr. Boehner's words, ‘make it more expensive to create jobs in the United States and less expensive to create jobs overseas. In fact, these loopholes can result in U.S. corporations enjoying a negative effective tax rate on their offshore investment income. This creates a strong incentive for U.S. corporations to shift profits offshore, either through accounting gimmicks or by moving actual operations and jobs offshore.” [CTJ] [Education Jobs and Medicaid Assistance Act, HR 1586,#518, 8/10/10] This bill became law over Republican objections. (PL 111-226)
99% of Republicans Opposed Small Business Relief Paid For By Closing Outsourcing Tax Breaks.  In July, Republicans opposed legislation that would have reduced paperwork and reporting requirements for small businesses and been paid for by ending tax breaks that encourage companies to move American jobs overseas. [Small Business Tax Relief Act, H.R. 5982, Vote 514, 7/30/10; The Hill, 7/30/10]
99% of Republicans Opposed Legislation to End Tax Breaks for Companies Who Ship American Jobs Overseas.  In May, Republicansopposed the American Jobs, Closing Tax Loopholes and Preventing Outsourcing Act, legislation that would prevent corporations from using current U.S. foreign tax credit rules to subsidize their foreign activities and create up to 1 million jobs by restoring credit to small businesses, extending tax incentives for American R&D and energy, rebuilding American infrastructure, expanding youth jobs, and providing tax relief for middle class American families.  [American Jobs and Closing Tax Loopholes Act, H.R. 4213, Vote 324, 5/28/10]
98% of Republicans Twice Voted Against Cracking Down on Foreign Tax Haven Corporations. Republicans voted against a bill to create jobs with bipartisan provisions to spur investment in local rebuilding projects and a range of bipartisan proposals to help our small businesses grow, hire and continue to fuel our economy - including a provision to save American jobs by cracking down on foreign tax haven corporations that are using the U.S. tax treaty network to dodge U.S. taxes.  They also voted against cracking down on this tax loophole in a bill to strengthen American agriculture to meet the 21st Century needs of the United States and the world with a safe, stable food supply.  [Small Business and Infrastructure Jobs Act, H.R. 4849, Vote 182, 3/24/10; Farm Bill, H.R. 2419, Vote 755, 7/27/07]
97% of Republicans Voted Against Cracking Down on Offshore Accounts for Corporations and the Wealthy.Republicans voted against the Hiring Incentives to Restore Employment (HIRE) Act, which makes it much harder for United States citizens and corporations to avoid taxes by hiding money in overseas bank accounts, while helping create 300,000 jobs here at home by providing tax cuts for businesses to hire and accelerating write-offs for small businesses and by unleashing billions for infrastructure. “Individuals have stashed an estimated $1 trillion in offshore accounts…allowing them to avoid up to $70 billion in taxes each year…. abusive offshore schemes by corporations cost our Treasury an estimated $30 billion in tax revenue as well.” The bill also delays for 3 years a questionable tax break enacted in 2004 under President Bush that would let U.S. multinational companies that have shipped jobs overseas reduce their U.S. taxes by deducting more of their worldwide interest income against their U.S. income. [HIRE Act, H.R. 2847, Vote 90, 3/4/10; New York Times, 3/27/10] This bill became law over Republican objections. (PL 111-147)
99% of Republicans Voted Against Cracking Down on Overseas Tax Havens. The bill provides the U.S. Treasury Department with significant new tools to find and prosecute U.S. individuals that hide from the Internal Revenue Service assets overseas in foreign tax havens, like Switzerland, Liechtenstein and some Caribbean countriesThese funds would be used to extend expiring tax provisions, including the tax credit for research and development and incentives to invest in restaurants and retail businesses. [H.R. 4213, Vote 943, 12/9/09]
85% of Republicans Voted Twice to Protect a Tax Loophole for CEOs' Deferred Compensation Paid by Offshore Companies. Republicans voted against closing tax loopholes that allow hedge fund managers and corporate CEOs to use offshore tax havens to escape income tax on unlimited amounts of deferred compensation. [H.R. 4351, Vote 1153, 12/12/07; H.R. 7060, Vote 649, 9/26/08]  This finally became law, as part of the Emergency Economic Stabilization Act (PL 110-245), despite Republican objections.
88% of Republicans Voted to Protect Tax Benefits for American Expatriates who Renounce their Citizenship.Republicans voted against strengthening laws to ensure that certain wealthy taxpayers cannot renounce their U.S. citizenship or terminate their U.S. residence in order to avoid U.S. taxes. [H.R. 3056, Vote 960, 10/10/07] This provision finally became law, as part of the Heroes Earnings Assistance and Relief Tax Act (PL 110-245), despite Republican objections.
GOP Record on Outsourcing Under President Bush
The Bush Administration and Congressional Republicans long supported incentives for shipping American jobs overseas, while voting against cracking down on off-shore tax shelters. Here are the words of President Bush's top economic advisors:
‘Outsourcing is a growing phenomenon, but it is something that we should realize is probably a plus for the economyin the long run.' Chairman Gregory Mankiw, Bush White House Council of Economic Advisers, New York Times, 2/11/04
“the practice of moving American jobs to low-cost countries ‘is part of trade' and that 'there can't be any doubt about the fact that trade makes the economy stronger.'” Bush Administration Treasury Secretary John W. Snow, New York Times, 3/31/04
Meanwhile Republicans in Congress fought to keep, and even expand, these kinds of tax loopholes for years.
  • Republicans Enacted Legislation to Provide $42 billion in Additional Tax Benefits for Offshore Operations of U.S. Corporations, Encouraging the Shipping of U.S. Jobs OverseasThe measure included 24 separate provisions that encourage shipping jobs overseas -- replacing tax incentives to export American goods with tax incentives to export Americans jobs. This came at a time when studies showed that U.S. companies shifting more of their profits to tax-haven countries, such as Bermuda, to avoid paying U.S. taxes costing the U.S. treasury as much as $20 billion each year. [PL 108-357]
  • All Republicans Voted For Tax Provisions that Promote Shipping American Jobs Overseas. All Republicans voted for provisions that promote shipping jobs overseas, against replacing them with tax relief for American manufacturing to create more American jobs, and against cracking down on tax shelters for corporations relocate overseas to avoid paying taxes.  [HR 4520, American Jobs Creation Act - Motion to Recommit; H.R. 4520,Vote 258, 6/17/04] 
  • 99% of Republicans Voted Twice to Protect American Corporations in Offshore Tax Havens. Republicans defeated efforts to close tax loopholes that allow corporations to relocate their headquarters offshore in order to avoid paying federal taxes.  Corporations moving to these low-tax countries were estimated cost American people $4 billion a year in lost revenue at the time. [H.R. 4931, Retirement Savings Act, Vote 247, 6/21/02; Health Saving Accounts, H.R. 4279, Vote 161, 5/12/04]  Because of Democratic pressure, these provisions were enacted in 2004, as part of the American Jobs Creation Act, but Republicans grandfathered many of the most egregious offenders. (PL 108-357)
  • 88% of Republicans Voted Four Times to Protect Government Contracts for Corporate Expatriates. House Republicans also voted against Democrats' measures to deny government contracts for corporations that incorporate on paper overseas to avoid paying their taxes in America.  The General Accounting Office estimated that the federal government awarded $2.7 billion in 2001 to four federal contractors incorporated in overseas tax havens. [H.R. 4567, Fiscal 2005 Homeland Security Appropriations, Vote 268, 6/18/2004; Fiscal 2006 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations (HR 3058) Vote 351, 6/30/05; Fiscal 2007 Transportation-Treasury-Housing Appropriations (HR 5576), Vote 275, 6/14/06] Over the opposition of the House GOP, this ban was applied to Treasury-Transportation-HUD in FY06 and FY07. And when Democrats took control of Congress, this effort to deny government contracts for corporate expatriates was expanded to apply to all government contracts - not just those of the Homeland Security, Transportation, Treasury and Housing and Urban Development Departments -- in FY 2008, with 91% of Republicans voting against it. [H.R. 2829, Financial Services Appropriations, Vote 606, 6/28/07]
  • All Republicans Voted Against Help for Workers Whose Jobs Were Outsourced. All Republicans voted against financial assistance for workers whose jobs have been outsourced overseas. HR 27, Job Training Improvement Act - Motion to Recommit. Vote 47, 3/2/05] 
  • 98% of Republicans Voted Against Study on Outsourcing of U.S. Jobs. Virtually all Republicans rejected even requiring the Commerce Department to complete an independent study on the outsourcing of U.S. jobs and provide policy recommendations based on these findings. [HR 3598, Vote  358, 7/9/2004]
Who's Pushing This Wildly Unpopular Agenda?
One family stands out for the scope of its support for the Republican agenda and candidates who will protect this family's financial interests.
Koch Industries Executives Behind Americans for Prosperity. “In 2004, David Koch co-founded the right-wing astroturf/swift-boat group, “Americans for Prosperity.” AFP is one of the major funders of the tea party movement and has launched millions of dollars in ads attacking House Democrats…Americans for Prosperity launched “Porkulus” rallies against Obama's stimulus-spending measures…. also created an offshoot, Patients United Now, which organized what Phillips, the head of AFP has estimated to be more than three hundred rallies against health-care reform. At one rally, an effigy of a Democratic congressman was hung… The group also helped organize the “Kill the Bill” protests outside the Capitol, in March, where Democratic supporters of health-care reform alleged that they were spat on and cursed at … Americans for Prosperity, meanwhile, has announced that it will spend an additional forty-five million dollars before the midterm elections, in November. Although the group is legally prohibited from directly endorsing candidates, it nonetheless plans to target some fifty House races and half a dozen Senate races, staging rallies, organizing door-to-door canvassing, and running ads aimed at “educating voters about where candidates stand.” [New Yorker, 8/30/10]
Key Koch Industries Subsidiary Received an Award for Shipping American Jobs to China. In 2006, Invista, a key subsidiary of Koch Industries, received the “Outsourcing Excellence Award”, from Freeborders, a global provider of outsourcing services from China, for their work shipping American jobs to China. [Freeborders Release, 6/1/06]
Major Koch Subsidiary is Listed as a Company “Exporting America.” Koch Industries is the owner of Georgia Pacific, a company on Lou Dobbs' list of “companies either sending American jobs overseas, or choosing to employ cheap overseas labor, instead of American workers.” [CNNKoch Industries]
Koch Industries is a Large Wealthy Secretive Conglomerate.  “The Kochs operate oil refineries in Alaska, Texas, and Minnesota, and control some four thousand miles of pipeline. Koch Industries owns Brawny paper towels, Dixie cups, Georgia-Pacific lumber, Stainmaster carpet, and Lycra, among other products. Forbes ranks it as the second-largest private company in the country... [The brothers]...combined fortune of thirty-five billion dollars is exceeded only by those of Bill Gates and Warren Buffett... Charles Lewis, the founder of the Center for Public Integrity, a nonpartisan watchdog group, said, ‘The Kochs are on a whole different level. There's no one else who has spent this much money. The sheer dimension of it is what sets them apart. They have a pattern of lawbreaking, political manipulation, and obfuscation. I've been in Washington since Watergate, and I've never seen anything like it. They are the Standard Oil of our times.'” [New Yorker, 8/30/10]

Thursday, February 6, 2014

Journey towards "Beloved Community"

This week we acknowledge the great contribution of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. and the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom and his powerfully moving “I Have a Dream” speech in August 1963. It is fitting opportunity to revisit this great leader’s thoughts, methods and most importantly his ability to inspire and create change through political education and citizen activism.

From the deaths, bloodshed, tears and absolute due diligence of civil right’s leaders and citizen activists in the 1960’s a new era emerged. Civil Rights and Voting Right’s legislation passed opening doors of immense possibility. The change was monumental and a true paradigmatic shift of sufficient, collective consciousness that led to a new direction.  Historic changes followed with school integration, affirmative action policies, more social inclusiveness and greater representation for African-Americans. These advances, of course, made the first black president, of a once slave owning nation possible, while elevating many people of color with expanded opportunities and access to political position and power that was previously unknown.

A few years after the march on Washington, in 1966 during a speech entitled Don’t Sleep Through The Revolution Dr. King spoke of maladjustment,  
                 There are some things in our nation and in our world to which 
                   I’m proud to be maladjusted… I never intend to adjust myself 
                   to segregation and discrimination. I never intend to become 
                   economic conditions that will take necessities from the many to 
                   give luxuries to the few, and leave millions of people perishing 
                   on a lonely island of poverty in the midst of a vast ocean of 
                   prosperity.  I never intend to adjust myself to the madness of 
                 militarism, and to the self-defeating effects of physical violence          
`              Through such maladjustment we will be able to emerge from the  bleak and desolate midnight of man’s inhumanity to man, into the bright and glittering daybreak of freedom and justice.

In 1967, while addressing a convention of the American Psychological Association Dr. King spoke of “creative maladjustment”, in essence, a necessary condition or prerequisite state of being, to awaken people from apathetic non-interest and prompt activism that results in social change.  His speech focused on how psychologists could contribute to the social movements of his day for racial equality, economic justice, and a peaceful US foreign policy.
In his speech, King specifically challenged the notion that the goal of psychology is to help individuals become “well-adjusted” to the social world around them. As King put it in his speech:

"You who are in the field of psychology have given us a great word. It is the word “maladjusted.” It is good certainly declaring that destructive maladjusment should be eradicated. But on the other hand, I am sure that we all recognize that there are some things in our society, some things in our world to which we should never be adjusted. There are some things that we must always be maladjusted to if we are to be people of good will. We must never adjust ourselves to racial discrimination and racial segregation. We must never adjust ourselves to religious bigotry. We must never adjust ourselves to economic conditions that take necessities from the many to give luxuries to the few. We must never adjust ourselves to the madness of militarism and the self-defeating effects of physical violence."

King argued that it is actually pathological for a person to become well-adjusted to a world of injustice, violence, and exploitation.  Further, if psychologists were going to make a more meaningful contribution to mental health, they would have to find ways to help ordinary citizens deepen their capacity for what King called “creative maladjustment.”
King made a call for collective action:

"It may well be that our world is in dire need of a new organization: The International Association for the Advancement of Creative Maladjustment. Men and women should be as maladjusted as the prophet Amos, who in the midst of the injustices of his day, could cry out in words that echo across the centuries, “Let justice roll down like waters and righteousness like a mighty stream;” or as maladjusted as Abraham Lincoln, who in the midst of his vacillations finally came to see that this nation could not survive half slave and half free… Through such creative maladjustment, we may be able to emerge from the bleak and desolate midnight of man’s inhumanity to man, into the bright and glittering daybreak of freedom and justice."

MLK distinguished and described creatively maladjusted as “disciplined non-conformity” keeping with his vision for non-violent, civil disobedience towards creation of “Beloved Community” which was for him a realistic, achievable goal that could be attained by a critical mass of people committed to and trained in the philosophy and methods of nonviolence.

Sociologists and cognitive psychologists identify a "collective action frame" or cognitive frame that is most likely to inspire. The frame is one that includes, “interpretations of the injustice or immorality of specific social conditions, an attribution of blame for them, some kind of action agenda for solving them, and a motivation for taking that action.”  Dr. King was especially good at the creating this collective action frame that brought many voices together as one during the civil rights movement.  

As a progressive social movement today, we are challenged to find ways to help foster creative maladjustment in sufficient numbers of hearts and minds to create a collective action frame for the 21st century. We must be proficient with due diligence to reverse the regressive trends and threats we now face I dedicate this blog towards that cause. 

One last thought from my personal experience with creative maladjustment as an anti-war activist during the Vietnam war and a member of the Yippies anti-war activist's movement for social change:




 If you are interested there is a little preview of my autobiographical project on the blog I used to determine interest and seek investment for a project to enlighten the world about the vital resource to be found in many people with mental health disorders like my own Bipolar I disorder if only they stop squashing and sequestering away by marginalizing, over-medicating, rejecting and disenfranchising instead of elevating, healing, educating and accommodating. http://thiskidneedshelptoo.blogspot.com/2013/02/bye-bye-carnaby-streethello-abbie.html  

After years of Vietnam war, students on campus initiated (they were the draft age group sent to die with intense survival instincts to save themselves and they age cohorts hence motivated) and We the People reached into mainstream society for help to overtake the behemoth Military Industrial Complex powerhouse.  It was essential wake them up and educate the masses comfortable in their living rooms and unaffected by immediacy or urgency some profiting immensely from war industry stocks doing incredible business with the government. The Yippies were especially good at garner publicity via media attention and recruiting members with their colorful and charismatic leader, Abbie Hoffman and street theater scripted antics so off the wall that media could be counted on to carry their message. 

Abbie Hoffman and Yippie co-founder Jerry Rubin  books::

The critical mass of "collective action frame" sufficient to inspire and overpower a huge, dominant force of Military Industrial Complex violent perpetrators of war was successfully achieved in the Vietnam anti-war movement; Started on college campus with other groups like SDS and Black Panthers too. 

The Occupy movement is in the best position now as a comparably motivated group without jobs, educated and facing a bleak future without change. I encourage them to study the Yippies street theater methodology particularly. Also, don't be afraid to let natural leaders aspire. 'Nuff said on that but build leadership when it emerges instead of pushing it down and demanding consensus, see how far out there beyond the normative thought, natural leaders can go. Okay now 'nuff said on that. 

Since Citizen's United various industries/sectors without unified vision or socio-political ideology have unprecedented political power and influence   The GOP internal schism is our advantage. We and by that I mean ALL WHO WOULD LIKE TO ASSURE SURVIVAL OF OUR SPECIES ON AN INHABITABLE, SUSTAINABLE PLANET. We no is a 99% versus 1% proposition.  We have passed the point of no return on the planet unless action is immediately reversed.  

Republicans must realize if they put House Republicans back in 2014 they have assured two more years, at least, wasted. 

For our Republican supply side and Libertarian free market friends:

Essentially, when profit is the primary motive, without consideration of impact on others and without any ethical guiding principals that restrains what means and methods of acquiring the goal of profit or political office, we as moral beings commanded to love one another and do unto others as we would want them to do unto us have SCREWED UP BIG TIME and gotten it ALL WRONG.. It's the golden calf worship all the way. Got it!