, Knowing fewer voters favors Republicans and less minority voters that even appalls, presumably surprises, Scalia who didn't predict real world outcomes like we have seen. sold to highest bidders and the results unfold, unravel for many. Focused regular political blogging on this blog is my goal. My comfort zone has been sharing, posting commentary with my thoughts, grievances, disgust, disseminating information Facebook and tweeting links or tweeting truth to power in DC and beyond. I try to keep in mind those without a high baseline of knowledge on the topics presented, to more astute political followers and knowers of truth, my need to break down or repeat obvious redundancies in an effort to reinforce, overly burdensome.
impassioned to do so. I know I have many politically astute, well-informed, highly analytical Facebook and Twitter friends, I also know I have some friends without interest in politics who would, probably not, be drawn to read, research or post political articles or commentary, there are those who I know, even despite their infrequent if ever comments, when I visit their timelines it is evident they have diametrically opposing views with Fox News talking points adopted, posted and defended without further investigation which often, easily contradicts with hard evidence, the conjectures being sold via snakeoil, salespeople of media like Fox, Beck, Limbaugh, Breitbart and the mega-troupe of paid right wing think tank, sold out intellectuals and researchers devoid of integrity, journalistic or otherwise, to parrot continually until and beyond such time as it becomes entrenched belief in the Republican base. , political hires for corporate beneficent legislation and governance of states, etc. Then there others, some unfortunately I have banned for repeated messaging, what find naive views frequently anti-Obama (he is the same as Bush) sentiments and no difference between parties, both clumped into Republicrats. This erroneous notion is just as nihilistic and extreme, in my view, that both parties Equally corrupted by corporate culture and equally unconcerned about the responsibility of their oaths to public service representing and governing. A few of the more belligerent, always challenging and forcing my defense, have been blocked. I don't want them to muck up my message that I know with humility tossed aside, is most often well researched, fact checked if right wing media was source is involved. The outright lies and direct contradictions to reality abound online. The right wing machine, with Koch cabal limitless funds, pays bloggers, social media antagonists to refute liberal ideals, policy or humane decency with consideration for others, most amazingly, becoming a democrat/liberal trait exclusively. As long as the Republican base stays on board and allows themselves to pulled further into their hatred, division creation, designed run interference, confuse and infuse with angry rejection of those in any need, if government intervention (all handouts including military benefits to those who fought, suffer(ed) and have to live with themselves today after an unwarranted, lied about preceding incidents to justify the result of GW, "no weapons of mass destruction under here" as the worst joke following 100'000's lives lost in Iraq and 4000 dead and how many truly blessed with mercy death, veit reto distract and focus emotionally charged, negative attention (think SNAP users FOX News wants their viewers to have a quick, easy, image of unkempt, aimless, surfer dude eating lobster rolls he used foodstamps to buy) reducing working poor with children living a poverty level, Walmart parttime hours to avoid benefits). burger flipper skills aren't worth more than $7.25 needed with the media outlets and politicians advocating hatred, their own self & corporate interests elevated to dictate the national agenda that is supposed to play out for all involved. altruism is weakness and breeds dependence our division as a nation and as a community of human beings, increasing outrageous deviation from common national good, with social welfare and well-being no longer a governmental bother in anti-taxation, small government, especially Koch cabal, nihilistic libertarianism on steroids. to be torn further into selfishness elevated to priority national value. of spread talking point Twitter, Facebook and comment section trolls to refute liberals, with their phony facts, aggravated angry diatribe opinions, or intimidation via name calling, threats or telling people to just DIE or leave, etc.
as well as the nuuanced and veiled to create the desired result of antipathy toward Obama and his policy or sugar coated corporate interest gain only comprehensively understood dynamics surrounding the issue, will with rhetoric if it's extremist or poorly reasoned from either extreme-
Obama is Bush II, the parties are not different, Republicrats all; and small government, fiscal conservatives with/without social consciousness.
The truth is evident if you research a little beyond what FoxNews, right wing media, Koch cabal think tank generated sophisticated, well-funded, well-oiled, Madison Avenue level with a brilliant sell out or two but any academic brilliant intellectual type truly would be repulsed if forced into writing policy for Club for Growth or Americans for Prosperity or Heritage, even Cato Institute (once geniune support system of confabulated facts, data, research, talking points-all to influence and shape public opinion to cover up by refocusing attention elsewhere, while they rob, pillage and destroy all exploitable commodities and resources, both human and environmental. towards distrust of Obama/government, opposition, towards or away from, stereotyping as Rand Paul has managed to do by completely subverting and revising research findings as his only support for his cupposed reductionistically ALL long term unemployed, barely hanging on financially, emotionally discouraged and surely often depressed with great anxiety about their families futures, how they will survive. fellow human beings in our neighborhoods and all over our country ment fictionalized fantasy political ideological which history shows has been a domain for Democrats). have been FAR superior with budgets, deficit reduction, balancing budgets, leaving surpluses (as Clinton's balanced budget left George W Bush with a surplus of raising taxes when write about politics most don't have the dedication to political junkiedom that I do, I posted on Facebook the most relevant, significant and politically charged issues drawing media attention and my analysis of the situation. With ADHD, Bipolar I mood swings immobilizing or energizing, personality disorders with inferiority issues resulting in overcompensating actions, to stand out, attract admiration and praise, do better than the others, etc etc ad nauseum. in an effort to prove my value, I find social media sites versus longer, more thoughtful, blog entries, more suitable. I One thing I agree with Barbara, is more job creation is essential, unemployment alone is not the answer. Democrats with Obama's vision and agenda have tried numerous times. If you read Mark's post under mine, he cites 300 job and infrastructure related bills were filibustered by Republicans. They wouldn't even allow a yes or no vote on whether to discuss the bills, just flat out FUCK You all. You ALL is a fair share of our nation with millions out of work.
When there is only one job to 3 applicants and unemployment is as high as it remains & without hope on the horizon for more jobs (continued obstruction by GOP House) is not a time to leave millions without any income. Leading of course to more homeless/houseless/hopelessness & worse. There is a need for increasing the numbers of jobs which with political will COULD be done, but also for retraining some for jobs that are not finding adequate numbers workers, help to relocate to regions where job markets are strong, but people underwater in mortgages or without resources can't move, etc. There are many possible solutions but it takes action based on factual, reliable information. None of which right wing conservative media like Fox News are capable of providing. Not free of corporate contrived think tank generated policy, which is designed EXCLUSIVELY for maximum benefit of the few wealthiest, without consideration whatsoever for all the rest of the nation. The stereotype groups Fox perpetuates are selective, often like ACA debunked stories falsely presented, as ALL welfare queens ALL lobster eating surfer dudes in an attempt to reduce impoverished of humanity to single negative, emotionally outraged, thought in SHEEPLE'S minds.
They distort research findings to serve their self-interested/corporate-interested policy agenda, Rand Paul cited research findings completely contrary to the actual researcher's results & conclusions, so egregiously misused and abused that the author was compelled to make a harsh response to the Senator-http://www.theatlantic.com/business/archive/2013/12/no-rand-paul-theres-no-reason-to-cut-unemployment-benefits/282698/
They don't care about means, only the end and they are willing do ANY and EVERYTHING to accommodate the orders of their political contributor's desired, END GAME. If they don't it is over and spells political death at minimum.
Their goal is not helping or solving our nation's problems, social ills, environmental/infrastructure problems, they refuse to even represent the majority of constituents, 63% in Speaker Boehner's state want unemployment extended, the House doesn't even have a discussion on the agenda. Responsible gun control laws polled high nationally yet NRA voices were the only ones law makers represented.
Barbara mentioned immigrants getting tax breaks, I must admit that's a new one to me. Unless they own corporations with mega tax advantages and loopholes. But, I do know that many if not most, immigrants contribute to the economy and national coffers via income, sales, property and other taxes as well as consumption.
Bigoted exclusionary, white supremacy ideology, fear of different "others" with whom we inhabit the planet, if not country of origin, is easily played into with anti-immigration lies, they are taking jobs from Americans, not contributing, using services and resources yada yada...
Aside from paying taxes too, taking jobs Americans won't do, given the younger population of Hispanics in general, in contrast to US aging population, Social Security could be shored up and solvent indefinitely with responsible immigration policy and the dream act.
On a socio-economic/cultural level, diversity is essential we all benefit, many great contributions have been and will continue to be made by immigrant "others" which all Americans are if not Native American. Diversity is necessary for growth of humanity & personal evolution to expand our horizons.
We have an obligation, a social contract from our founders to give hands up and reach out inclusively as we were taught as children to do. To share, not be selfish, think about how others feel, etc. These are basics folks, if we let our political leaders rewrite the Golden Rule, Judeo-Christian values/virtues upon which our country is founded, the political agenda with loyalty and representation only for the benefit of a very few to whom they are financially/politically beholden, we are DOOMED.
They can't be allowed to rewrite their job description as no longer representative of constituent's interests, or WE ARE DONE.
Fox News & right wing corporate, ALEC/Koch cabal, news fabricators & actors, political operatives are following directions to actively dish up MISINFORMATION, DISTRACTION & displacement of blame. Shape public opinion in such a way, as to allow for what was historically always mandated efforts (ie GW Bush extending unemployment 5 times) to sudden seem ill-advised, handouts to a mooching class conditioned not to work because they get benefits while they continue to look. Remember, unlike Rand Paul entirely misconstrued, benefits means people HAVE to be seeking work and prove it.
Elimination of undesirables is a form of Social Darwinism, survival of the fittest now means if they are fit enough to find jobs in 26 weeks, of course, against all odds of 3 applicants for every 1 job, while Republicans obstruct all policy designed to remedy and employ people, the new expendable class, now equated with SNAP users, welfare recipients, Social Security Disability receivers (all targeted).
The increase in suicide rates since 2008 attributed to the financial crisis and unemployment has skyrocket internationally. Trust me those numbers will increase dramatically if Koch cabal & Republicans taking their orders get their way on not extending benefits. While at the same time, they fuck up the economy more as a result of the 100,000's of jobs predicated to vanish as a result of the loss from the economy of billions of dollars, those barely hanging on forced to homelessness, hopelessness and despair. In 2010 there were 33,687 deaths from motor vehicle crashes and 38,364 suicides.http://www.nytimes.com/2013/05/03/health/suicide-rate-rises-sharply-in-us.html?_r=0
SHEEPLES please turn off Fox News try msnbc instead. I guarantee they check facts, have decency based principled, ethical awareness inclusive of others and sense of responsibility; plus many are genuinely exceptional beings, with concern for the totality of national well-being, havenots included-like Rhodes scholar, Rachel Maddow and worker/union advocate, Ed Schultz on Ed Show. This is the biggest distinction-with whom interests and loyalty lie, between Fox News and msnbc/liberal media, as well as, a primary difference between democrats & republicans-Dems being the people's party while Reps NOW exclusively loyal to corporate big biz entities ALEC/Koch cabal-
Americans who are not earners at the tippy top brackets, so sorry you no longer have representation and your interests are irrelevant...to republicans.
The snakeoil bunch of CRAP sold to sheeples to keep them looking the other way, blaming the wrong people IS all so the already enormously wealthy, can steal away even more while you are not looking, at the expense of ALL the rest of We the People, aka those electing political representation for our interests. The majority no longer rules anything. The minority agenda, WE rejected, has been forced down our throats by those who cannot get rich enough despite now richer than wealthy counterparts ever in history. Our income inequality has surpassed the Gilded Age. What have they done with it all, why haven't they expanded businesses, hired, helped the economy? as GW Bush insisted would follow if low taxes, corporate loopholes were given. GW threw in incentives to offshore and outsource too, now hiding/hoarding in the Cayman islands with amounts greater than the entire US deficit. http://moneymorning.com/2013/05/01/check-out-whos-hiding-32-trillion-in-offshore-accounts/ Know one thing for certain.
To continue to vote ANY republican back into office, will be DOOMING all of us to more of the same and much WORSE. Unless a republican will stand firm against Koch cabal as Office of Speaker Boehner did for one day, hopefully to regain cajones now, fighting back against Club for Growth (see below) and compounding human misery index while hurting the economic recovery when it can least take a hit by forcing loss of .2 - .4 to GDP- much greater loss than the cost of continuing benefits.
I believe Koch's have gone far beyond ALEC conservatives and anti-taxation big biz interests agendas. They have more power and klout with political will to dominance combined with Rupert Murdoch long time relationship buying Fox for Koch and their more extreme nihilistic, libertarianism on steroids.
Koch's psychological/corporate/political profile is one of relentless insatiable greed, over compensatory for real or perceived lacks, acquiring maximum power and control for global dominance and the mega dollars they are willing to spend to make it happen, they have the most political will and an Ayn Rand ethic of any and all means to achieve selfish ends are acceptable.
We are doomed if republicans are not voted out of the House in 2014. Social Darwinism will work if we don't intervene. We cannot wait. Get involved, speak up and speak out directly to politicians in power via social media of phone, talk to family and friends turned Sheeples (be patient and loving as possible), bombard them in the House especially on cowering to Koch cabal's Club for Growth think tank with admonishment to vote against extensions or rate low scores, be primaried and replaced by more compliant puppets. Here's how they are manipulating our elected officials: http://thehill.com/blogs/ballot-box/194506-dscc-hits-gop-candidates-on-unemployment-insurance
Here's how Koch brothers orchestrated government shutdown costing 25 billion tax payer dollars. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/eric-zuesse/how-the-koch-brothers-did_1_b_4143928.html
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