A call to creatively maladjusted action.

The birth of this blog is timed to align with the observance of the 50th anniversary of the "March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom" August 28, 1963. It was a landmark protest that culminated with “I Have a Dream” the monumental speech delivered by Martin Luther King Jr. The concept of "Creatively Maladjusted" was another gift from MLK, one often overlooked or not taken seriously. I contend creatively maladjusted response is the only recourse at this juncture. The goal of this blog is to promote awareness and act as a call for Creatively Maladjusted Revolutionary action of non-violent, civil disobedience to overthrow the existing social order and their flight into greater socio-economic, political injustice.

Monday, January 20, 2014

Now Multi-Headed Goliath

This was written during the 2012 campaign and was originally called Three-headed Goliath.

Hillary was RIGHT ON in the '90's, unbeknownst to many at that time, as this was a VERY secretive coup. The Powell memo and Starve the Beast were like Skulls protocol all who knew were clearly instructed that they could never disclose the real intent.  Presumably, it was the origin of ALEC in 1971, the corporate big biz organization, with think tanks that write legislation for politicians (now entirely owned thanks to Scalia & Thomas selling their souls and all ethical code of judicious conduct to Lucifer with pre-Citizen's United "corporate personhood" meetings and gifts accepted http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2010/10/20/scalia-thomas-koch-industries_n_769843.html with and from the Koch brothers aka the Nazi DNA, John Birch Society-commies everywhere especially if their skin is black ) indoctrination with will to power, correction WILL to WORLD DOMINATION ala Family Guy's Stewie or Hilter's Aryan purification Social Darwin elimination of threat and diversity with global competitiveness in multi-industry, multi-national corporations.

Politics to the Koch brothers, two of them at least, one bailed after realizing how they rigged the game to win and sued his sibs, http://www.nytimes.com/1998/04/28/business/brother-versus-brother-koch-family-s-long-legal-feud-is-headed-for-a-jury.html?pagewanted=all&src=pm is like a chess game.  Interestingly, Koch dad Fred made his BIG commie hating money from Stalin's benevolence and willingness to support innovation of new method Fred developed that was unwelcome by Big Oil USA.

Koch brothers:



PBS Koch exposed never ran but is available YouTube link below & Koch never donated the money he promised to PBS for their compliance, it went to his own non-profit 501c4 as many wealth donor class political power hungry now choose over charitable "to the least of us" giving. Ask Justice Scalia-in retrospect at least> http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/09/09/antonin-scalia-capitalism_n_3894153.html


Full PBS unaired video: Published on Apr 26, 2012
A hard-hitting and revealing investigation of the 1% in America at its very worst. Koch Brothers Exposed is the latest film from Acclaimed Director Robert Greenwald. From environmental pollution to their efforts to dismantle social security for working Americans, the Koch Brothers have launched a large network attacking our American values.


Although, there is controversy, with CNN at one point reporting the link between the American Koch's and the only women ever to be convicted for war crimes in WWII (heinous ones) then later retracted their story, the link has been been researched and reported by others.

The most evil woman in history:



"Right-wing conspiracy" that tried every Rose Law firm, Vince Foster, yada yada finally BLOW JOB to discredit President Clinton. Just like Benghazi (60 minutes duped into trusting Issa/Fox News w/o vetting & Benghazi Hoax http://www.huffingtonpost.com/david-brock/the-benghazi-hoax_b_4136492.html IRS inquiry justified if you were paying attention to Karl Rove's Crossroads without Citizen's United teeth of enforcement flaunted with reckless disregard open admission political strategy sessions with SuperPAC http://www.politicususa.com/2013/11/25/expert-calls-karl-roves-crossroads-gps-tax-documents-bullsht-side-horsesht.html or NSA unprecedented power from Cheney/Bush homeland security 

http://www.cnn.com/2006/POLITICS/01/04/cheney.nsa/index.html?section=cnn_us )

Where it all began was with Republicans angered over their loss to liberals following JFK and LBJ's unwillingness to strike Cuba/expansion of government with the Great Society (Social Security, Medicare, etc.) lifted seniors from poverty amazingly high rate-30% elders lived in poverty before http://books.google.com/books?id=lYVLpbgO8QYC&pg=PT53&lpg=PT53&dq=Great+society+lifted+seniors+how+many&source=bl&ots=O4dt6chfHj&sig=ErG4v1Nnb0-Qgcb_L5o7trdWD9Y&hl=en&sa=X&ei=E4jdUuX0IoeHogT604CoAw&ved=0CHkQ6AEwCA#v=onepage&q=Great%20society%20lifted%20seniors%20how%20many&f=false

Journalism with fact checks and heart on the benefit of the Great Society in contrast to current Tea Party libertarianism Ayn Rand moochers, parasites if government funds are received (including military btw) :


The memorandum was dated August 23, 1971, two months prior to Powell's nomination by President Nixon to the U.S. Supreme Court.

The Powell memo, http://reclaimdemocracy.org/powell_memo_lewis/ from old school, Edward R. Murrow-type journalistic integrity organization on Powell http://billmoyers.com/content/the-powell-memo-a-call-to-arms-for-corporations/

It was written during a period in history with which I am well familiar.  It was a time when massive, sometimes violent dissent was used to stop the Vietnam war. The Students for a Democratic Society like rightwing target Bill Ayers were among the more radical.  Many baby boomers know how great the power of dissent is as we witnessed our own constantly growing movement, reflected in the ultimate decision to pull out of the country that we invaded and decimated without declaring war.  WE SHUT DOWN the military industrial complex. Burned down BANKS of America funding the war, etc.  Mistakenly some SDS thought one building was empty of people but was not.  Hurting or killing was what anti-war activists were trying to STOP not foster and participate in.

William Ayers has done some valuable contributions since, unlike a 1/2 term governor, with 5 colleges to get 1 BA in communications?? Right Sarah? with constant inciting of hate to levels of violence that justified in the mind deranged acts like Gabby Gifford not coincident that it followed images of rifle targets on Democrats and violent politics acceptable-OKAYed rocks were thrown through Democratic headquarters in various states 2010/2012-who's the terrorist now? http://www.americanswhotellthetruth.org/portraits/bill-ayers

Ayers contributed to the existing body of knowledge on education and continues to fight against Rhee school choice and K-12 restoration like Mayor Bill deBlasio has promised which lead surely, in part, to his election following Bloomberg's massive ventures with private voucher and discriminatory practices, inconsistent, even shameful in some instances (see Jindal LA below) curriculum.

Yippies street theater antics (see next post Beloved Community) and SDS were all to draw international attention to the USA disintegrating after JFK/LBJ (no war w/Cuba & Great Society). 

Then came Reagan and trickle down economic fictionalized benefit to accommodate the anti-taxation (nearing 80% for the top earners during Vietnam years unlike Bush's unreported in deficit he left to President Obama (now re-incorporated rightwing BOZO's continue to LIE "worst deficit ever-bigger than all other presidents combined") for TWO (2) unfunded wars + an expensive RX senior plan (under democrat leadership health with Obamacare Affordable Care Act (ACA) no longer important but to STARVE the BEAST of government with a huge debt to scare the "body politic" (WE the Peeps whom government and elected political officials swear their oath of office to serve). http://www.governmentisgood.com/articles.php?aid=14

Some ideas to counter Republican Starving: I like these ideas for liberal survivalists http://www.theorganicprepper.ca/50-ways-to-starve-the-beast-04052013

Our fight was against a government heavily subsidized by the military industrial complex.  David against Goliath. Our own Goliath of 21st century is larger.  Added to the military industrial complex we now have a prison industrial complex.  The Obama administration has been very stealthily, below the radar, eradicating the medical marijuana industry.  Shutting down dispensaries and growers.  Along with the prison industrial complex the other entity with far reaching power is Big Pharma. (rapidly expanding to charter school corps w/ fraudulent Michelle Rhee research skewing like Harvard austerity) see me on FB and Bill Ayers over Michelle Rhee would be advisable with his expertise and open letter to President Obama http://www.good.is/posts/an-open-letter-to-president-obama-from-bill-ayers (my post was written during 2012 campaign and I did not yet realize how entrenched Obama was the Emanuel in Chicago too). 

We have a three-headed Goliath today with military, prison and pharmaceutical corporations united. Powell's document reflects what he observed in the 70's.  Powell, constantly refers to the mistakes made by campus administrators during the time, as that is where we organized.  I was with the UCLA radicals, when I should have been in high school class dissecting frogs or something, at 15 years old. But, I was far more compelled to help end the devastation I was also seeing daily exposed by an unrestricted media with access to images of war. I worked with the radicals at HENAC, the UCLA radical group.  The radicals were even given a large office at the UCLA student union building with copy machine, typewriters and supplies to organize demonstrations, protests, sit-ins and walk-outs.  The college administrators were aligned.  Many radicals taught at UCLA, like Angela Davis of the Black Panthers and Ron Karenga, leader of an Afro-American movement, an alternative to the Panthers who would later be the genius behind Kwanza's creation; the US movement, or US black people.  http://www.maulanakarenga.org/

Describing the change on college campuses, Powell cites, Stewart Alsop's commentary:

"Yale, like every other major college, is graduating scores of bright young men who are practitioners of 'the politics of despair.' These young men despise the American political and economic system... (their) minds seem to be wholly closed. They live, not by rational discussion, but by mindless slogans."4 A recent poll of students on 12 representative campuses reported that: "Almost half the students favored socialization of basic U.S. industries."

Powell also warns the corporations of the danger at hand. Fearful of the Left's movement overall, gaining a greater foothold and corporations in jeopardy, as the groups gained media attention. The Yippies were my chosen affiliation. They were genius at stage street theater with outrageous, organized acts and gaining tons of exposure in the press.  One protest, on Wall Street even, (how prophetic of Jerry and Abbie) was done with Yippies throwing tons of dollar bills down on the stock exchange trading floor.  The massive dash to get the bills, rained down from above, sent traders frantically racing around the exchange's floor.  It was filmed and viewed on the nightly news and disseminated throughout the nation's press. 

Some groups, like the Students for a Democratic Society, took a more violent direction.  From Powell's memo, "Since February, 1970, branches (of Bank of America) have been attacked 39 times, 22 times with explosive devices and 17 times with fire bombs or by arsonists." Although New Leftist spokesmen are succeeding in radicalizing thousands of the young, the greater cause for concern is the hostility of respectable liberals and social reformers. It is the sum total of their views and influence which could indeed fatally weaken or destroy the system.

The Powell document was a reaction to these historic events, as he witnessed a government system at risk and capitalism in jeopardy if the New Leftist influence grew. With systematic precision, he set up a specific agenda, a means to counter the Left's growth. Today, we can see the results.  

The reality of the actual job description for the President of the United States in the 21st century, is one best suiting an oligarch.  The Rolling Stone magazine's recent exposure of the current administration's stealth raids on medical marijuana facilities was reported just days ago. Efforts contrary to state law.  Efforts Obama, in his own right, had rejected.  Eradicating the medical marijuana industry was not a part of his vision nor his concern.   Yet, once in Washington and long after the well hidden raids began, it is discovered that he had entirely reversed his own beliefs. Prison and Big Pharma control with Governor Bobby Jindal's Louisiana the highest incarceration rate in the world. NPR
"world's prison capital" http://www.npr.org/2012/06/05/154352977/how-louisiana-became-the-worlds-prison-capital

Soon to be the DUMBEST state too.  http://www.motherjones.com/blue-marble/2012/07/photos-evangelical-curricula-louisiana-tax-dollars

I suggest that in Obama's mind, as a man who plays to win, running against the results of the Citizen's United Supreme Court decision, to grant personhood to corporations opening the floodgate to massive campaign funds for the New Rightists, he believed without the same home court advantage, there was no hope. And, he is recognized as a good player on the court.  No mulligans necessary.

Let's see the BLACK term Mr. President, grow an AFRO. We need you on this MLK DAY https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daqAIFPtr1I Bill Maher knows best!
Love & Blessings,
MLK passed his gauntlet of Creatively Maladjusted to Goddess Che=MOI (...i gladly claim the gauntlet, the title...reluctantly...! But, as Riane Eisler reminded us in her book, biblical authors removed Goddesses from their text and if I can help rectify that...so BE IT! https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/470367.The_Chalice_and_the_Blade

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